About Purposed Ink

Meet Valerie

Theirs only a few things that VALERIE M. SHAW loves more than Peacocks and one of those things, is being a SERVICE to people. A life in service comes in many forms and Valerie found herself in Human Services once she become a caregiver to two very special family members. There she learned some of the challenges that can come with limited physical and cognitive ability. When approached and presented with a new business opportunity, Valerie was excited and it only made sense that she would now also now SERVE in her business.

Notary services you can trust.

PURPOSED INK, LLC was dreamt up to provide assistance to those who had limitations and challenges when needing to complete prominent tasks in their personal lives. With her human service background and her years in Corporate America, Valerie understood what could happen if things weren’t completed. While dreaming up her plan, she was introduced to Mobile Notary. Not tapping into it at first introduction, she eventually kicked herself for not jumping sooner once making the correlation of how this could grow her business and she would be able to touch more lives. As a notary, Valerie has the ability to witness and authenticate signatures, administer oaths, verify signatures, and take affidavits. Utilized by the states governing bodies to prevent fraud and theft within public matters, she understood how important this new role as Notary Public was. COMMISSIONED in July 2021, Valerie spent her time learning, developing, investing, and preparing for this very chapter.


Purposed Ink launched on January 20, 2022. A very significant date for so many reasons, both personal and professional

Purposed Ink, using a fee- for- service module, provides its clients with the peace of mind that there in good hands. Offering a mobile solution, clients are conveniently able to stay within their home/office to have items handled. Purposed Ink offers General Notary occurrences and even Remote Online Notary (RON) by providing the opportunity to log onto their preferred vendor platform. The convenience doesn’t stop there.

Purposed Ink also offers enhanced services to signing companies and escrow officers. Loan Signing Agent, Field Inspectors, Processor and Permit Runner have now been added to her other reoccurring titles that Valerie is proud to have under her belt.  

Valerie’s personal assistant services provide help when time, convenience or mobility is an issue. Companion Services are also available to our DDD clients, seniors or individuals who need help with their ADL’s by being a preferred provider